Monday, 27 August 2012

"Zeh Yaduah!"

Shalom Kulam!
So day two of classes and I am pleased to report that I have no bad things to say about them. I was lucky and got around 4 hours of sleep last night so that is progress from 3 J. If this jet lag business doesn’t quit it I don’t know what I’ll do – today we had an “orientation” with the principal of Neve (Rabbi Chalkowski) and I kept doing that head jerk thing where you dose off for a millisecond but catch yourself. It was so bad I had to leave in the middle (even though I was sitting directly across from him) and later found out that half of the girls watched my spasms and me! This morning I initiated my new coffee and know that it definitely had a part in my great start this morning.

The first day I had breakfast here it was pretty measly but I thought that was because it was Friday and maybe the kitchen people weren’t here since a lot of people don’t work. To my dismay breakfast is always mediocre….bad bad cereal…peanut butter, chocolate spread and bread. This is only half a complaint because although I wouldn’t make my dog (miss you Riley!) eat the cereal, I could be satisfied for life with chocolate spread and bread. However, I know my tummy would not be so appreciative nor my thighs so eventually I’ll have to go in search of alternatives.

This morning I decided to get my feet wet for real at Neve, just jumping right in – I signed up for a Zumba class (what do Neve girls wear to Zumba???) taught by the awesome Latin American teacher from last night and also put my name down to go volunteer at a food charity called Yad Eliezer on Thursday where we’ll be packaging food. Classes were very good today – Chumash (learning about Abraham taking his son to do the Akeda), Halacha (learning all there is to know about hand washing! Lol), more about Chana and finally an AWESOME class with Rabbi Bear. I think I may have found one of my top teachers so far. There were only 3 of us in Rabbi Bear’s class and he spent the time talking about teshuva (repentance) and how no matter what you’ve done in your life nothing ever gets in the way of your attempts to better yourself and atone for our various misdeeds. He was so excited that I was from Montreal and told me that b”h he wants to arrange a speaking tour with stops there. Currently I am patting myself on the back because I have set up my first meeting with a teacher…Ruchie I hope your smiling! (Although secretly it was his idea and not mine….but still progress nonetheless!)
More progress was made in the attempts to be less awkward department when I had 2 girls to sit down with at lunch without having to randomly plop myself with people I don’t end up speaking to (I know this sounds like high school and to be honest it kind of is. A little weird since I never thought I’d have to go through this again…). I am really lucky that I have great girls in my apartment and that there are a good bunch of friendly girls here as well (I gravitate towards the English girls since I can literally listen to them speak about sewing and I’d be perfectly happy). After falling asleep during the orientation I had to venture out the market area again.

Without failure, I can never leave Neve campus without having multiple mishaps. Please enjoy….

First, I headed to the central bus station to get a monthly bus pass only to find out that I was number 177 and they were at 6 AND number 137 had already been there for 1.5 hrs! Forget that – I left. Excited by the prospect of showering finally I went to Superpharm  to get shampoo, cond and body wash only to find out that all the deals from Sunday (the day before) were gone. But a girls gotta shower so I bought everything anyways.
Don’t be silly… I know what you were thinking, “that was successful, no big problems there” – WRONG! Fast forward 2 hours, I’m finally in the steaming shower about to condition my hair only to find out that I bought TWO shampoos…just my luck.

Back to my errrands – stop 3 was at the Shuk (market) where I wanted to return the iron and water bottle I bought the previous day. The water bottle had a huge crack in it (which I discovered as it began to leak all over the principal’s office floor!) and the iron was useless since the school has one for sale for ONE DOLLAR! The water bottle exchange went smoothly (sort of…obvi he had an attitude) but the iron return was a no go. I was told they don’t do return and when I pushed further and asked if I could call the company he said they would give me the same answer. Then I asked for his boss’ number and he said that was not an option, that even if I could return it I would not get my money back. I relayed my feelings that a store must have a sign that signifies its return policy but noooooo apparently “zeh yaduah” (“its known”). WELL NOOO DUDE I DONT KNOW!!! So a fight ensued about the fact that he should have a sign indicating the return policy followed with me leaving….with the iron L
Obviously flustered I decided that the best way to make myself feel better was to go to Marzipan – an Israeli bakery at the shuk that was crafted in heaven. Hundreds of rogelach and danishes, hot, chewy and simply delicious. Here are some photos of before and during my marzipan eating experience. For those of you whose tummy’s are now rumbling…. there are two extra beds in my room if you want to try some!

Rogelach & iron in hand with a knapsack full of hair products I made my way on to my second home…the bus (kav 75). Note: Shout out to Joelle Librowicz who I thank G-D on a daily basis is here with me in Israel. I don’t know how I would get through without my personal life coach and imah J
Back to the bus…as Joelle and I are discussing my future during the scenic route along the bottom/mid of Har Nof (the name of the mountain I live on), the BUS BREAKS DOWN leaving me on a random street with zero percent of my bearings in tact!!! One thing I knew for sure is that Neve is at the very top of the mountain. I figured I was just one street down (which is the equivalent of about 6 flights of stairs) so I headed towards the first flight of stairs and made my way up. Obviously I was wrong so I just kept finding stairs and kept walking up (in steamy weather, with my heavy load and Asthma plagued lungs). 35 minutes, half a mountain and aprox 75 billion stairs later I made it to the top!! ONLY TO REALIZE THAT I WAS ABOUT 3 LONG BLOCKS TOO FAR L. I am glad to report that at around 6:55 I made it into the school so relieved and with a significant appetite….only to find out that dinner was OVER!
So now I sit here venting to you all a very hungry, very achy jet lagged girl.

Now that you’re all as exhausted from reading my post as I am from today’s adventures, I’ll drag myself to Building 2 apartment 3 room 4, for some much needed attempt at sleep J

Layla Tov xoxo

Ps I have enclosed this last picture which doesn’t show much but was my attempt at stealthily documenting the angry toothless man from yesterday who I got in a fight with 
when he wouldn’t sell me a bag.

PPS. I forgot my notebok in my room but I'll do my best (Michal) to have a torah potion tomorrow!